Connecting Israel
to a Better Future

Bezeq Group
ESG Report for 2023

Connecting Israel
to a Better Future

In this challenging year, marked by the outbreak of war, our vision of "Connecting Israel to a Better Future" has taken on even greater significance, extending far beyond the core activities of our Group.

Since the conflict began, we have been dedicated to maintaining both business continuity and the uninterrupted communication services essential to all residents.

As Israel’s largest telecommunications group, we see ourselves as a vital part of the nation’s reconstruction efforts and remain committed to working tirelessly in our areas of expertise to help make this possible.

In line with our corporate responsibility goals, we will continue to promote gender equality, diversity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all our Group's employees, who, since October 7th, have worked tirelessly, day and night, both on the front lines and the home front, while managing their own personal challenges. Their dedication to keeping us all connected is truly inspiring.

We all long for the safe return of our hostages and soldiers and for a future of peace, calm, and security.

Tomer Raved, Chairman

Bezeq Group’
ESG goals

Net zero
carbon emissions
by 2050

At least 20% of employees from diverse populations by 2030

Bezeq Group’
ESG goals

At least 50% of women in management positions in the Company by 2030

At least 40% of women on the Company’s Board of Directors by 2030

Connecting Israel

Bezeq provides widespread access to high-speed internet thanks to the deployment of fiber optic technology to 2.2 million households and plans to expand deployment to 2.7 million households.

Pelephone, the first company to launch 5G in Israel, continues to lead with over 1.2 million 5G customers and the continuation of nationwide deployment.

yes continues to stand at the forefront of Israeli productions: 59% of the documentaries produced this year have a distinct social nature.

Bezeq International TECH contributes to the connection between Israel and the rest of the world: 35% of all internet traffic in Israel goes through the JONAH submarine cable, which stretches for 2,300 km and reaches as far as Italy.

Bezeq Group and the war

Since October 7th, the Bezeq Group companies, which are defined as an essential enterprise in an emergency, maintained business continuity and ongoing communication services for all residents of Israel, with an emphasis on evacuees from the south and the north as well as security forces, all part of our concept of national responsibility.

Bezeq Group employees who were called up for military service received appreciation bonuses worth NIS 4.2 million.

The Bezeq Group waived payments for evacuees from both the southern and northern regions, a measure valued at NIS 2 million per month.

Bezeq provided free internet to over 1,000 shelters in the north, as well as to hundreds of apartments housing evacuees from the Reim and Kissufim kibbutz communities.

To our soldiers with love: At the height of the war, yes and Pelephone adopted the Givati Brigade.

Two months after the surprise attack on October 7th, yes screened the documentary "#NOVA", which presents the testimonies of the survivors of the Nova massacre.



Bezeq International's TECH team established internet connectivity in 45 temporary schools for students evacuated from both the southern and northern regions.

The hostages in Gaza are always in our thoughts.

in ESG frameworks

Net zero: joining the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s Zero Hour initiative

Maala Platinum plus (AA) rating for ESG in 2024

Joining the UN’s Women's Empowerment Principals (WEPs) initiative

Climate reporting for CDP score

Membership in the Valuable 500 initiative for inclusion of people with disabilities

Climate Change

We are committed to embedding climate and environmental considerations into our business practices, engaging in continuous dialogue with stakeholders to help foster a prosperous and sustainable future for generations to come.

Reducing waste and encouraging recycling

weight of upcycled items (tons) at the Bezeq TECH facility

Fleet electrification

Rate of electric and hybrid cars in the Group

Bezeq introduced its electricity supply service, offering consumers the most competitive rates on the market. The service includes a dedicated app that tracks usage and helps users reduce their electricity consumption.


of the electricity supplied by Bezeq's electricity venture comes from renewable energy sources.

Advancing women to
management positions

We are moving towards our goal:
at least 50% of women on management levels by 2030

IT security and
privacy protection

Preparing for future threats

Bezeq announced a pilot for quantum cybersecurity over fiber and aims to be the first telecommunications company in Israel to provide encrypted protection for essential services.

Focus on ethics

800 hours of ethics training were held at Bezeq in 2023

98% of all employees of yes, Pelephone, and Bezeq International TECH, completed the Code of Ethics tutorial in that year

Bezeq Group’s
community impact

DocuYoung flagship program

85 boys and girls from six boarding schools along with 20 yes employees were supported by yes to produce six documentaries

Adoption of a special education school

Bezeq International TECH adopted the children of the Shalom school in Petach Tikva where children with disabilities aged 6-21 study diverse activities year round

כאן יהיה תפריט :)